Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Working off our debts!

After spending a few days working flatout on the bikes, we decided to take a break and go riding!
We rode for hours through logging and ATV tracks, it was awsome! Brilliant scenery, cool as tracks, and our bikes proved really capable off road.
Not quite a dirt bike, but not bad at all.
Saw deer on the side of the road, and a baby black bear started to run out on the road in front of us!
Fun was elusive today tho.
In return for the use of the workshop and heaps of materials, we are doing a couple of days engineering work.
Spent the day working on a huge dumper trailer, that looked like it had been dragged out of a medieval cave and directly to the workshop... many hours of grinding...
its still a rust bucket!
Maybe tomorrow will change that.

Sunday, May 23, 2010


Were hanging out on Vancouver island at a engineering shop, owned by a kiwi, who is pretty much the best dude ever... We have full use of the workshop and any materials we like!!!
Lots to do, but huge progress today.
Bash bars, highway pegs, pannier mounts, heated hand grips, bark guards, reversing oil leeks, fixing parts we broke... finished up at midnite... need shut eye!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


We are finally in Vancouver!!
Half our luggage went missing... for a day... then showed up... luckily it was Craigs (this is Josh!!)
Picked up our first bike yesterday, jumped on it and burned up the road in jandals and no helmet, realised I was on the wrong side of the road...!
Craigs off to Canmore to pick up our second bike, he left at midnite, I dropped him off hours early, but about an hour before the bus left, he realised he had left all his riding gear in the car... subsequently I made a huge dash into Van city, was in a huge rush to try catch the bus, may have made an illegal manouver rite in front of a cop, he musnt have noticed. pulled into the bus station as the bus was pulling out, managed to stop it... things are looking good!

Saturday, May 15, 2010


Flying tomorrow!
Currently trying to eliminate gear from a huge pile in the hope of somhow fitting it into panniers!
Do I really need a sleeping bag?? probably considering I will be camping for months...
That 2nd pair of underpants???....

Thursday, May 13, 2010

NZ Prep!!

So currently we are burning the candle, working day and nite to get the logistical battle under control!
Paperwork... spend money... paperwork... spend money its a vicious circle!!!
Cant wait to be sitting on that plane!
Everything seems to be coming together tho. Bring on Vancouver!